Saturday, May 02, 2009

Best Rotisserie Chickens

I like those pre-cooked rotisserie chickens you get at supermarkets. They're usually around $7 to $8, and you can good 4 or 5 cheap, high protein, low carb meals out of them. For those of you who care about low carb crap, which I do.

Let's start with the worst ones: Stop & Shop and King Kullen. The chickens at these places are always bland, overcooked, dry, and soggy and gross on the bottom. Yes, the chicken is at once dry and watery. Nice combo. The problem is that, since these stores are all over the place, I normally get the chickens at one of them since it's more convenient. And I don't care what flavors they come up with--BBQ, Bourbon, etc. They all suck.

A better one, believe it or not, is from BJ's. The chicken is not overcooked and for some reason seems to taste better overall. It's also cheaper--around $4 or $5 if I remember.

But the best is from Whole Foods in Jericho. The chickens are juicy and, again, seem to have a better flavor, all over, than the Stop & Shop and King Kullen chickens. Also, Whole Foods actually seasons them. And whatever they do (packaging or who knows what), the chickens are not soggy on the bottom. Maybe beause they don't sit in a puddle of chicken juice like the Stop & Shop and King Kullen versions.


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Rotisserie Chicken try out this place:

They are a peruvian chicken take out place in bay shore across from south shore mall. Chicken is very good. Call your orders ahead of time though to avoid long waits

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Good Long Island Eats said...

great info on the chickens. Beer can chicken is a good alternative if you want to cook at home.

Im gonna agree also that Peruvian roast chicken is really good. I've gotten from a place just of Junction blvd in queens called "Super Pollo Latino" They also have a rice pronounced Chow Fa that blows fried rice out the water.

Hit me up at if you would like to exchange links.

BTW Nice pic.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Butter Lover said...

I'll have to check that place out in Bay Shore. I haven't been there in a while. Queens is a bit of a hike, though.

BTW, sorry, I don't normally exchange links, because I really don't care if anyone reads this thing. I'm surprised anyone finds it in the first place.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That chicken sounds delicious..wanna have it.


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