Super Bowl Eatin'

I'm gonna break with my usual rule that I don't post about meals that I cook myself. Because who cares?
But it's Super Bowl Sunday, so I'll pass along what we're doing tonight for what it's worth.
Last year it was traditional, breaded chicken wings, philly cheese steaks on an Italian flatbread thing, and I don't remember what else. Probably nachos with salsa.
That stuff was a big hit, and the wife (yes I watch the Super Bowl with the family, like a loser) wanted the same thing this year. But I can't do repeats the very next year.
I am repeating the wings because one of my kiddies likes them. The recipe is a heavily doctored version of a recipe from the Dean and Deluca cookbook, which I've had forever.
I wanted ribs this time, but the wife didn't. So I'll be making small pizzas with fontina cheese, sausage (no disgusting fennel), shiitake mushrooms, and fresh thyme if any is surviving in my herb garden. Those are from a recipe in Gourmet probably 4 or 5 years ago.
I'll also make spinach and artichoke dip. That stuff's easy--throw an Italian cheese blend into a bechamel and add the artichokes and cooked spinach. Maybe you want to brown it a little in the oven, too. My only advice is don't use canned artichokes. They put acid in there to preserve them and keep them from turning brown (I guess), and you can never get rid of that flavor.
Go Cards!
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