that's just me. By "something" I mean scavange New York City dumpsters
for food in an effort to show how Americans tend to be wasteful. The people who do this sort of thing call themselves "Freegans." Cute. I don't think too many will pay attention or change their behavior, but the group does have a point. I wonder what they find hanging outside the dumpsters of the Time Warner Building?
(Sorry, ladies, this isn't really me.)
Praise for Long Island Food Blog:
--Gourmet Magazine
--Yoichiro Nambu, 2008 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics
"Cease and desist your daily, creepy emails to Matt Lauer"
--The Law Firm of Tweaker, Mellon & Crumb
What in the world??? I've never heard of this term/concept. Wow...
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